Sunday, May 13, 2012

Emmanuel and Timothy: Biblical names, great fight

THE stage is now set for one of the most exciting events in international boxing as Manny Pacquiao flies to Los Angeles to further heighten his preparations and training en route to Las Vegas on fight night probably for the one final shot to boxing immortality. If he wins and hang up his gloves for good, the Pambansang Kamao will retire as a champion leaving behind a legacy of boxing professionalism and humility in and out of the ring. He sets the distinct examples that many young, up and coming pugilists worldwide can emulate. The name Pacquiao is the byword in boxing among ambitious and young Filipino boxers. For them, he is the embodiment of success in the true sense of the word. Such amazing and financially rewarding achievement is unprecedented in Filipino boxing history. Perhaps a first ever win for the gold in Olympic boxing is equally momentous as a national honor in the sense that such a very unique campaign has eluded so many Filipino boxers prior to this next shot for Olympic glory in London this July. Pacquiao's truly humble beginning is a story that many can relate with since many Filipinos had been to a wretchedly poor kind of life as Manny did and the rest of the Pacquaio siblings. However, his rags-to-riches rise in stardom is just mind boggling. Manny had even shown to all how it is to honor his own mother and Mommy D. again showing how it is to rest on the couch of success in her new SUV gift from a beloved son. Whichever way you look at it, Pakyaw, the Filipino word for sweep, wholesale or Pacman, which is more of a play of words rather than of a voracious mad eater. The latter is one vague description since Manny Pacquiao is generous not only to his family but to all those he had met and have a need of their own. He could be one feared predator in the ring as many boxing analysts would love to portray our boxing hero but he is not at all rapacious. Incidentally, the next big event in Las Vegas is a fight between two fighters whose first names are Biblical. As Biblical as Pacquiao today in professing his new found faith. Timothy for Bradley is the name of the same title of the 15th and 16th books of the New Testament under the testimonies and writings of the Apostle Paul. Maybe God had met Pacquiao in a dream because of that identical glorious name. Manny whose real name is Emmanuel is currently deep into the study of the written Words of God in the Bible. The name Immanuel or Emmanuel appeared first in the Old Testament particularly in the Book of Isaiah 7th chapter, verse 14 “Therefore the LORD himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. The same verse reads again in the New Testament, Matthew 1:24, this time with the interpretation of Emmanuel which means God with us. That's the new Manny Pacquiao for us. Fighter in the ring and currently making a new name for himself the way it should be. Stand by your man. That's what Jinky Pacquiao did recently in defending her husband from criticisms of being so vocal of his knowledge and wisdom from the Bible. Many true-blooded Pacquiao fan and Biblically initiated like Dyan Castillejo of ABS-CBN Sports would readily agree with Jinky in saying that all of us can criticize Manny of his previous late-night sorties at the billiards table and his appearances in the cockpits but not his spiritual life which undoubtedly gives him more confidence as world champion boxer. Why criticize Pacquiao for having a turnaround from his old previous life to that of having a new path that is both Godly and spiritual.

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