Monday, May 28, 2012

Pages: Manny’s 3Ps: ‘Pahuway, Practice, Pangadji’

WAKEE Salud took my phone call yesterday. Like we do in almost every Manny Pacquiao fight, I call him two weeks prior to fight night. Wakee is Manny’s closest buddy. Their friendship began in 2005 after Manny’s loss to Erik Morales. Then, Wakee invited him to Lapu-Lapu City for a promotion. When Manny trained in Cebu for Marco Antonio Barrera back in 2007, where was his second home? The Rex “Wakee” Salud Gym in Labangon.
Since 2005, Wakee has been Manny’s good luck charm, with a 15-fight winning streak. “Every fight since we became close, I’ve watched in person,” he said. “I’m leaving for Las Vegas on June 6,” said Wakee.
Anybody else from Cebu who’s going? I asked.“Tommy, Margot and, I think, Del Mar,” he said.
I queried Wakee about Timothy Ray Bradley, Jr. The 28-year-old Californian is undefeated in 28 fights. The “Desert Storm,” as he’s nicknamed, stands 5’6” and is the current WBO Light Welterweight champ. “No chance for Bradley,” he said. “Easy fight for Manny.”Prediction? “Knockout gyud!” he added. Not that Bradley is a patsy. It’s just that, according to Wakee, his best friend is at a completely different level today. “Si Manny, wala na gyud mag..... kuwan-kuwan,” said Wakee, stressing on the last word whose meaning is loaded with sinister connotations.Translated in English: He’s no longer fooling around. He’s all boxing business. Wakee considers this 2012 as Manny’s best training ever. But, I asked, doesn’t he and MP’s team always say the same thing? Doesn’t Freddie Roach always brag—to mentally scare the enemy—that Manny’s condition is the best he’s ever seen? Doesn’t this happen every pre-fight? No, says Wakee. This time, it’s real. He saw Manny in Baguio a few weeks ago like he’s seen him in the “City of Pines” in every previous training session. Now, it’s different. In Manny’s last two fights, Wakee admits that MP was unimpressive. Though he handily defeated Shane Mosley, the verdict on his showing was poor. Unlike the Manny of old who would destroy and annihilate, he was hesitant and unsure. He had cramps. The same with their Trilogy versus Juan Manuel Marquez. We thought Manny lost. Lahi gyud ang karaan na Manny, we all agreed.
“I watched Manny train in Baguio in those two previous fights and kibawo na ko daan (I already knew),” said Wakee. “Manny wasn’t at his best. He’d stay up very late at night. He’d skip his runs and footwork exercises. He kept on going back to Manila.
That’s why I wasn’t surprised with Manny’s subpar performance in those last two fights.”
Now? “The best gyud karon ang condition ni Manny,” he said.
Wakee enumerated three reasons.
The 3 P’s I call them:
Pahuway. Practice. Pangadji.
Rest. Relentless Training. Prayer.
“Manny is very well rested in his training now,” said Wakee, who last saw MP at the Manila airport prior to his departure for the Wild Card Gym. “Unlike before when he’d stay up late and had too many distractions. Also, sakto gyud sa practice and training.”
Finally, the last and most essential P: prayer.
“Dako gyud na usab kay (There are a lot of changes with) Manny. He keeps on reading the Bible. Every day, he would have Bible studies. He would not be comfortable if a day passes that he doesn’t read the Bible.”
When I asked Wakee if his buddy invited him to join their Bible-reading sessions, he let out a long and hearty laugh.
“Manny keeps on convincing me,” said Wakee. “Jinkee even sent me a Bible. And even Jinkee’s sisters have all become regular Bible readers.”
I told Wakee that I believe this will be Manny’s last fight.
“No, no. Dili pa (not yet),” he said. “If he won’t fight Mayweather next, then I think Manny will have three more fights.”
Floyd? “Dayon gyud na (It will push through). Manny has already agreed to all his demands. Drug testing. And many others. The only problem is the money, the sharing.
For me, the best solution is 40-40. They’re guaranteed 40 percent each with the winner receiving the balance. Winner gets 60 percent; loser, 40 percent. Fair, di ba?”

Thursday, May 24, 2012


While Manny Pacquiao and his celebrated trainer Freddie Roach have both confessed that Pacquiao's marital problems prior to his third fight against Juan Manuel Marquez in which he won a controversial decision took its toll on Pacquiao, this time around Roach says "his focus is very good." As Pacquiao winds down a hard week of sparring in which he is expected to go twelve furious rounds on Thursday at the Wild Card Gym, Roach told the international media in a conference call that they don't have days when Pacquiao "comes in tired and so forth because he has no nightlife whatsoever, beside bible study. He is very focused on the fight. He and God are very close right now and he is just a better athlete – with no distractions."

Pacquiao conducts his Bible study every evening after his workouts with Pastor Jeric Soriano who is his spiritual mentor.

Asked whether he was concerned that the same-sex marriage comments or non-comments by Pacquiao would be a distraction, Roach replied that everyone is entitled to our opinions, but I see no problem whatsoever. "

When Pacquiao was asked about whether he expected the firestorm over the same-sex marriage statement he made the eight division world champion said "Yes. It's a controversial issue. The reporter asked me about my stance on it and I answered his question. I am against legalizing same-sex marriage. That was all I said."

On the issue of whether his commitment to religion reflect on his fighting in the ring, Pacquiao said "When I committed my life to the lord I gave up many things that were not in keeping with what the Bible teaches. Boxing is a job and I do not look at it as anything more than that. It will not affect my job."

Having been impressed with Pacquiao's tremendous sparring over eleven rounds on Tuesday in which he demonstrated his incredible hand-speed, power and ability to turn it on whenever he wished with furious combinations, Roach confidently predicted that Pacquiao "is fired up and ready to go. "

Roach said "He is motivated. We have had great workouts and sparring sessions. We had four new sparring partners that came in for this camp. Everything is right where it is supposed to be."

Top Rank promoter Bob Arum who visited Pacquiao while he was training said "From somebody who has visited the training camp a few times, the difference in Manny’s face is so apparent. He’s not as tired as he was and he’s not as worn as he was. There is a glow in his face.

Arum added "I think this religious awakening has been all good on his part. I am a little prejudiced because I am religious myself but I believe when young athletes find religion it will greatly enhance their careers."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pacquiao to visit Israel, says his Jewish promoter Bob Arum

NEW YORK (JTA) -- Manny Pacquiao, the World Boxing Organization welterweight champion, will visit Israel, his Jewish promoter Bob Arum said. Arum during a conference call Tuesday pledged to bring the Filipino boxer and lawmaker to Israel after Pacquiao fights Timothy Bradley in a title defense in Las Vegas on June 9. "After the Bradley fight, we're going to Israel," Arum said. "We've got plenty of time to discuss Manny's next fight then." Many Filipinos reside in Israel as migrant workers, facing challenges regarding the residency status of their children. Earlier this month Pacquiao, who boasts a 54-3-2 record with 38 knockouts, and Floyd Mayweather both were ranked second by The Ring magazine as the best pound-for-pound fighters. The magazine symbolically left the top spot vacant; boxing fans have been clamoring for a fight between the two for years. After Mayweather defeated Miguel Cotto, also a client of Arum, the promoter addressed the question as to why Pacquiao hasn't fought Mayweather, invoking the name of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels in the process. "You see Mayweather is from the school of propaganda that Joseph Goebbels, who was Hitler’s publicist, adopted," said Arum in an interview with "The more you say things over and over again, the more people believe them," he added, referring to Mayweather's alleged request for drug testing as a pre-condition for a fight with Pacquiao. Pacquiao is also an elected politician in the Phillipines, serving as senator of the Sarangani province.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Same Sex Marriage Controversy Continues

Are they not gonna stop? It looks like attempts to distract title defending World Boxing Organization welterweight champion Manny Pacquiao peace of mind will continue until he faces challenger Timothy Bradley on June 9 in Las Vegas.

This despite the writer himself, Granville Ampong, who created a stir when he wrongly reported that Pacquiao, quoting a verse in the Bible, had despised the third sex and saying they “should be killed,” had cleared the air denying the 147-pound titlist never said that.

The 33-year-old eight-division world champ, also, had apologized to all those he must have hurt by his statement opposing same-sex marriage. Here now comes various organizations claiming to represent Asian and Filipino-American lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender communities calling on the Pacman for a more open and transparent dialogue on the issue.

Which simply means that Pacquiao’s apology for making such opinion, based on God’s Commandments, has not been accepted, that the issue isn’t close yet and the “Fighter of the
Decade” will have to divert his attention between defending his title and thinking about the controversy comes night of his fight.

For expressing his opinion, which, in the first place, was not borne out of whims but on the teachings of God as embodied in the Holy Book, is facing condemnation, not only from some sectors in the foreign media but from the Philippine press as well.

Which, to many, is quiet unfair because as he said, He’s just
spreading the words in the Scripture, which he is tasked owing to his being now a preacher and engaged in Bible study.

Pacquiao, in fact, should instead be commended and praised for
standing up in defense of his belief as a Catholic. Alone and in the absence of church leaders who opted to keep silence for fear of being feasted upon.

What Pacquiao, a boxer born in poverty, did should have totally erased all doubts that, indeed, he has changed from a wayward guy engaged in womanizing, gambling, drinking and other vices.

By daring to stand proud of his Catholic faith, not afraid to practice his belief not only in words but in deed, Pacquiao just showed the traits and character of a good Christian not seen even
among the top honchos of the more than 1 billion Catholics around the world.

His detractors said Pacquiao shouldn’t have expressed his opposition to same-sex marriage as it is unfair to those who believe they have the right to lead their own right to live as they wish they should.

But what about Pacquiao’s right to express his belief? The same right U.S. President Obama enjoyed when expressed his approval of marriage between individuals of same genders.

Why are those now condemning the Filipino ring icon not condemn, too, President Obama, who incidentally, in approving such marriages completed a 360-degree turn around following his earlier disapproval of the idea?

Could it be that Obama’s turn around, made on the eve of U.S. presidential elections, was only made to attract the votes of those concerned? Perhaps foreign media could be forgiven in their criticism over Pacquiao’s belied for they, especially the Americans, as the entire world knows, are not the best example of moral and spiritual virtues.

But for their Filipino counterparts to join in the fray, is not right. The Philippines is the only country in Asia whose citizens are predominantly Catholics. Filipinos, therefore, should be the first to come and defend him in this issue. Is this another example of our crab-mentality taking over again? Or is our being Christians and Catholics half-baked?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Manny Pacquiao, Bible Champion?

Manny Pacquiao might get his chance to knock out Floyd Mayweather, but apparently religious leaders in the Philippines would rather him go toe-to-toe with Tim Tebow.

"Tim Tebow became very popular by promoting the word of God," Bishop Pablo Virgilio David, who presides over the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines' (CBCP) bible ministry, told Agence France-Presse. "Some have referred to Manny Pacquiao as the Tim Tebow of the Philippines."

Church leaders asked Pacquiao become a "Bible ambassador" to help promote reading of the Bible of among Catholics. [Read.  Don't make your own interpretation.  Better yet, just read the day's Mass readings.]  The boxing superstar regularly credits God for helping him succeed, and wears a rosary around his neck before and after his fights, according to the AFP.  [And goes directly to the Black Nazarene Basilica in Quiapo to hear Mass after his arrival from his fight abroad.]

In mid-January, Pacquiao told a TV station in the Philippines that he decided to renew his faith [in the Catholic Church] and had given up vices such as gambling and womanizing following an "encounter with God" during a dream.  [I have been reading reports that Manny has become a born-again Christian after a series of Bible studies with a born-again preacher.  I doubt this conversion story.  So treat it as a rumor.  As to the Bible studies, priests who maybe close to him or even Catholics who know the danger of having a Born-Again pastor preach to Pacquaio better advise him to receive the Bible study from a Catholic lay preacher or a Catholic priest.]

AFP reports that during the dream, Pacquiao found himself deep inside a forest, where a voice from a shining bright light asked Pacquiao why he was going away from Him.

"I woke up crying. I remember I was crying in my dream and when I touched my pillow, it was wet," Pacquiao said. "If I had died last year or in the last two years, I'm sure I would have gone straight to hell. My faith in Him was there, 100 per cent, but behind it, after prayers, I would still do evil things."

Although Pacquiao, 32, spends more time studying the Bible these days, he didn't agree to team up with the Catholic Church in the Philippines.  [Interesting.]

"We asked him to partner with us in promoting the reading of the Bible among Catholics," Bishop David told reporters. "We told him: 'You would be a big help to us brother Manny', but he has not pledged his partnership yet."


Former Manila Mayor Lito Atienza is a close friend of Pacquiao.  Atienza is Catholic, so anyone here who knows the former mayor better tell him to tell Manny to stay away from the heretic pastor.

Manny Pacquiao's spiritual adviser

May 14, 2012, Hollywood, Ca. --- Superstar Manny Pacquiao enlightens his spiritual advisor Pastor Jeric Soriano (L) on the finer points of boxing during training at the Wildcard Boxing Club Monday in preparation for his upcoming World Welterweight title mega-fight against undefeated Jr. Welterweight champion Timothy "The Desert Storm" Bradley Jr. Promoted by Top Rank, in association with MP Promotions, Tecate, AT&T and MGM Grand, Pacquiao vs Bradley will take place, Saturday, June 9 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, live on HBO Pay Per View.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The New Manny Pacquiao

We are quite happy to cut it into many small useful pieces

We are quite happy to cut it into many small useful pieces

Emmanuel and Timothy: Biblical names, great fight

THE stage is now set for one of the most exciting events in international boxing as Manny Pacquiao flies to Los Angeles to further heighten his preparations and training en route to Las Vegas on fight night probably for the one final shot to boxing immortality. If he wins and hang up his gloves for good, the Pambansang Kamao will retire as a champion leaving behind a legacy of boxing professionalism and humility in and out of the ring. He sets the distinct examples that many young, up and coming pugilists worldwide can emulate. The name Pacquiao is the byword in boxing among ambitious and young Filipino boxers. For them, he is the embodiment of success in the true sense of the word. Such amazing and financially rewarding achievement is unprecedented in Filipino boxing history. Perhaps a first ever win for the gold in Olympic boxing is equally momentous as a national honor in the sense that such a very unique campaign has eluded so many Filipino boxers prior to this next shot for Olympic glory in London this July. Pacquiao's truly humble beginning is a story that many can relate with since many Filipinos had been to a wretchedly poor kind of life as Manny did and the rest of the Pacquaio siblings. However, his rags-to-riches rise in stardom is just mind boggling. Manny had even shown to all how it is to honor his own mother and Mommy D. again showing how it is to rest on the couch of success in her new SUV gift from a beloved son. Whichever way you look at it, Pakyaw, the Filipino word for sweep, wholesale or Pacman, which is more of a play of words rather than of a voracious mad eater. The latter is one vague description since Manny Pacquiao is generous not only to his family but to all those he had met and have a need of their own. He could be one feared predator in the ring as many boxing analysts would love to portray our boxing hero but he is not at all rapacious. Incidentally, the next big event in Las Vegas is a fight between two fighters whose first names are Biblical. As Biblical as Pacquiao today in professing his new found faith. Timothy for Bradley is the name of the same title of the 15th and 16th books of the New Testament under the testimonies and writings of the Apostle Paul. Maybe God had met Pacquiao in a dream because of that identical glorious name. Manny whose real name is Emmanuel is currently deep into the study of the written Words of God in the Bible. The name Immanuel or Emmanuel appeared first in the Old Testament particularly in the Book of Isaiah 7th chapter, verse 14 “Therefore the LORD himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. The same verse reads again in the New Testament, Matthew 1:24, this time with the interpretation of Emmanuel which means God with us. That's the new Manny Pacquiao for us. Fighter in the ring and currently making a new name for himself the way it should be. Stand by your man. That's what Jinky Pacquiao did recently in defending her husband from criticisms of being so vocal of his knowledge and wisdom from the Bible. Many true-blooded Pacquiao fan and Biblically initiated like Dyan Castillejo of ABS-CBN Sports would readily agree with Jinky in saying that all of us can criticize Manny of his previous late-night sorties at the billiards table and his appearances in the cockpits but not his spiritual life which undoubtedly gives him more confidence as world champion boxer. Why criticize Pacquiao for having a turnaround from his old previous life to that of having a new path that is both Godly and spiritual.

Manny Pacquiao rebuked Obama

Manny Pacquiao, Christian Filipino boxer and congressman, has reportedly disagreed with President Barack Obama's support of redefining marriage to include same-sex couples, and has insisted people should always put God's word first.

After Obama vocalized that he was in support of gay marriage earlier this week, Pacquiao was adamant that the president had got it wrong. In an interview with the National Conservative Examiner while training in Los Angeles, Calif., Pacquiao spoke about the need for society to put "God's words first."
The boxer quoted Leviticus 20:13 when referring to the president's decision to advocate for same-sex marriage.
"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable," Pacquiao told the Examiner. "They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
However, Obama has attempted to explain his reasoning for supporting a redefinition of marriage, using the Golden Rule of loving your neighbor as justification for ignoring other verses condemning homosexuality in the Bible.
"Do unto others as you would have them do to you," the president said in an ABC News report. "At a certain point I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married."
While the 33-year-old boxer said he respected Obama, he told the Examiner that the president should read the bible or "manual of life" to better society.
"God only expects man and woman to be together and to be legally married, only if they so are in love with each other," Pacquiao said. "It should not be of the same sex so as to adulterate the altar of matrimony, like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah of Old."
Pacquiao, nicknamed "Pacman," is a Roman Catholic who has talked recently about ending his fighting career to focus on his religious beliefs. The boxer told ABS-CBN News that his fight against Timothy Bradley Jr. at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on June 9 might be the last of his career.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pacquiao focus grows sharper after finding Jesus

HOLLYWOOD, California: Manny Pacquiao has become a much more disciplined boxer and a happier person since he replaced his gambling and nightclubbing habits with increased Bible study and family time, says his trainer Freddie Roach. The Filipino southpaw decided to change his ways after narrowly retaining his WBO welterweight title with a controversial majority decision over Mexican Juan Manuel Marquez in Las Vegas in November. Roach described that bout as the first bad night Pacquiao had experienced in a decade and that his fighter had been adversely distracted by his extravagant interests away from the ring. “Basically all those distractions caught up with us in that last fight,” the bespectacled Roach told Reuters at the Wild Card Boxing Club Monday before conducting a sparring session for Pacquiao. “In the end, we had a bad night ... our first bad night in 10 years ... and it was time for a change otherwise his career was going to be over. So he made those choices and to me they are all very good choices. “Manny has got rid of a lot of distractions in his life and he has some new distractions that are a lot better than the old ones.” Asked to detail the distractions, both old and new, Roach replied: “The news ones are a lot of Bible study and a lot of praying, and those are not so strenuous a task. “He gave his nightclub away, he gave his casino away, he doesn’t gamble any more and he doesn’t drink any more. He and his wife are together all the time now and they are very happy together. “Before, he had a ton of distractions that were mentally very tasking on him. Now he is just praying, he’s gone back to the Bible and it’s working out very well for him. He seems like a happier and nicer person.” Pacquiao, who has won world titles in an unprecedented eight weight divisions to cement his status as the best pound-for-pound boxer, said his decision to “clean up” his lifestyle had been an easy one to make. “I just want to focus on my career, focus on praying and follow the commandments of God,” the 33-year-old told Reuters. “No more gambling, no more drinking. Reading the Bible is to know the Bible, and I believe that the Bible is the manual for life.” For Roach, there has been only one boxing setback since Pacquiao opted to spend more time studying his Bible. “Manny said to me ‘God doesn’t want me to hurt people,’ but I told him that God understands that this is a sport, it’s the oldest sport in the world and I think He [God] boxed, too. I might be lying a little bit there, but who knows,” smiled Roach. A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Daily Star on May 09, 2012, on page 14. Read more: (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

World Boxing Champion Manny Pacquiao Becomes A Born Again Christian

Manny “Pacman” Pacquaio is a Filipino professional boxer and politician. He is the first eight-division world champion with six world titles on his belt, as well as the first lineal championship in four different weight classes. He was named “Fighter of the Decade” for the 2000s by the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA), and is also a three-time The Ring and BWAA “Fighter of the Year”,  for the years 2006, 2008, and 2009.
Currently, Manny Pacquiao is the WBO welterweight champion (Super Champion). He is dubbed as the best pound for pound boxer in the world by most sporting news and boxing websites, including The Ring, and Sporting Life. Aside from boxing, Pacquiao is also known for acting, music recording, and politics. In May 2010, Pacquiao was elected to the House of Representatives in the 15th Congress of the Philippines, representing the province of Sarangani.
Known for his Catholic roots by many, Pacquiao is usually seen making the sign of the cross while on his corner before his boxing matches–a ritual hand motion made by most Catholics before or after praying. But the world’s boxing champion seems to have encountered God’s Truth in the Bible that has drastically and radically changed his life for the glory of God! His official website does not only showcase his work as a boxer and a Philippine Congressman, but has now recently showcased the champ’s new found life in Christ. The website is just plastered with Bible verses and videos of him preaching about the importance of being born again and the value of truly reading the Bible–the Word of God.
Reaching the lost by lifting up christians in the sports limelight
The recent wave of athletes beings raised up by God in the sports world is too much of a coincidence if we sit down and consider each of them today. The world is so ripe for the harvest and time is running short as we see biblical prophecies being fulfilled rapidly before our very eyes today. The urgency of spreading the gospel message of Christ Jesus is real and God made sure to make some attention-grabbing moves in the world today.
Starting with Tim Tebow’s John 3:16 eye-black that triggered thousands, if not millions, of football fans to look up John 3:16 in Google; to Jeremy Lin’s rise to fame in the basketball arena as a very outspoken Christian who has made it no secret that he thanks God for everything in his life; we now see a radically changed, Bible-preaching world boxing champion, Manny Pacquiao.

Bible Study in the Pacquiao's Mansion

The whole Pacquiao and Jamora families, supporters and friends consistently join with World Boxing Champ and Sarangani lone district Rep. Emmanuel “Manny” D. Pacquiao in his daily Bible studies’ routine at the Pacquiao Mansion 1 in Barangay Lagao, this city.
Pacquiao’s Mansion 1 seemingly turns into a house of worship by the daily increase of the attendees who are all eager to hear the word of God. – source –

Bible Ambassador

The old Manny Pacquiao is dead and the new one has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) These are the very words of the boxing champ himself found quoted and featured in the main page of his official website. He has recently held a Joint Recollection of the Clergy for the Diocesan of Kidapawan, Marbel, Digos and Cotabato in the Philippines at the Pacquiao Mansion 2 in General Santos City which was attended by Revs. Dinualdo D. Gutierrez, D.D. (Diocese of Marbel); Romulo Tolentino dela Cruz, D.D. (Diocese of Kidapawan) at Guillermo V. Afable, D.D. ( Diocese of Digos, Davao del Sur) and more than 200 Catholic priests from different parts of Minadanao. Pacquiao boldly shared what he has learned through the Bible and enumerated 10 reasons why it is important for everyone to read the Holy Book. The Bible encourages us to read God’s Word in order for us to KNOW THE TRUTH,” he boldly preached in front of the big crowd of Catholic religious leaders. The bishops and priests who attended the recollection were impressed at how well Pacquiao preached about the Bible and marveled at his memorizing Biblical verses that he has shared during his talk. The attendees were even more impressed when the world boxing champ acknowledged his sinfulness and depravity as a Catholic and how he thought to have been a saved soul which he was not. Pacquiao mentioned that it is a life which he has now turned his back on to face the new life he has as a born again Christian in Christ Jesus.